UAPBI Piloting process at the State Bank
It has been 3 months since piloting of "Undergraduate Apprenticeship based Programme in Banking & insurance (UAPBI)" at the Banks. Otgontenger University and UFE students participated in the Work Based Learning at the State Bank within the framework of the project.
The project team of the State Bank organized the first stage of the apprenticeship process of the students participating in the program on January 12, 2023. In the report defense, each student presented the report within the content of the skills acquired during the 3-month period, the tasks and duties performed, the challenges faced, the ways to overcome them, new ideas and suggestions to be put forward in the future.
The State Bank has introduced the transfer of students to other positions for 3 months starting from January 16, 2023, and the increase of student salaries and bonuses.