Wider objective
The project aims to develop and implement national strategy, appropriate legal framework on work-based learning (WBL) and generic, flexible apprenticeship model for Mongolian higher education (HE) system towards enhancing partnerships between educational institutions and enterprises for better employability of the university graduates in Mongolia.
Specific objectives
Based on the Mongolian national context and the results of the need analysis, the following specific objectives are defined
- Benchmark analysis on main policy options of WBL, schemes, and tools of apprenticeship in higher education (HE) in Europe for the transference into the Mongolian HE.
- Capacity building of staff from Mongolian HEIs, MECSS, the involved 2 Banks and Mongolian Tourism Association on policies, schemes and approaches of apprenticeship.
- Development of National Strategy for development of WBL in Mongolia for 2024-2029 (NSD-WBLM) inspired by the European best practices.
- Development of Flexible Apprenticeship Model (FAM) including practical implementation tools: one-year Undergraduate Apprenticeship based Programme in Banking & insurance (UAPBI) and Undergraduate Apprenticeship based Programme in Tourism (UAPT) inspired by European experiences.
- Development of a legal framework for amendments of national legislation in Mongolia needed for implementation of FAM.
- Development of university-enterprise partnership innovative schemes through the pilot implementation of the FAM.
- Promotion of network for long-term cooperation between HEIs from Mongolia and program countries.
Main Coordinator

Our skilful members involved in project

Namsraijav.Enkhzaya N
Legal representative
Jargalsaikhan.Zolbayar J
Global Coordinator of Project.png)
Аndrai.Buyanjargal A
National Coordinator of Project
Nyamsuren.Khosbayar N
EU Coordinator of ProjectProject budget
Individuals involved
Projects maintained
Project involvers