Lyon Training - WBL Policy Document and Flexible Apprenticeship Model
A three-day workshop is held on May 9-11 at Lyon Lumier 2
University in Lyon, France. It is aimed to introduce WBL policy document and
flexible standards under the Erasmus + MONGWBL project, as well advance
recommendations from partner universities in Europe.
In the regular training workshop, representatives are
attended from the Berlin School of Economics and Law in Germany, the University
of Macedonia in Greece, the University of Transylvania in Romania, the
University of Lyon in France and total of 70 project team participants
including Ministry of Education and Science, Otgontenger university, University
of Finance and Economy, Mongolian National University Of Arts And Culture,
Mongolian University of Life Sciences, Dornod University, Golomt Bank, State Bank
and the Mongolian Tourism Association.
In the opening speech, Mr. Jim Walker, Vice-Chancellor of
Lumire Lyon 2 University, announced that “Lumire Lyon university is one of the
first universities for WBL. Therefore, we are greatly pleased to share our experience
with you”.
The project global coordinator, Zolbayar J., Executive
Vice-President of OTU, addressed the participants and presented the carried out
activities within the project.
Afterwards, the project participants visited to the
KEOLIS, public transport service organization and RENAULT TRUCKS, vehicle
manufacture and went through work place internships.
In the first half of the second day of the workshop, a
project team board meeting is held and agreed detailed plans for the coming
months. This is followed by a presentation of the Work-Based Learning Policy
Document and a Flexible Apprenticeship Model developed by the National Project
Team. During the presentation, EU partners shared their experiences and made
suggestions for improving policy documents and Flexible Apprenticeship Model.
In the afternoon workshop, official representatives of the Bank of Lyon, France
are attended and shared their experiences and answered questions from the
participants. The Lyon Bank program aims to train professionals who are
expected by banking employers.
On the third day of the workshop, all project
participants are divided into the WBL Policy Document Improvement and Reference
Program Teams and recommendations are advanced. Within the framework of the
recommendations, it is agreed that basic structure of the policy documents
shall include rationale, current situation, implementation, quality assurance
and financing chapters. It also stressed the importance of effective and
proactive collaboration between employers (business entities) and universities
in the successful implementation of WBL. The workshop also highlighted
stakeholder engagement needs between the university and the host companies of
WBL should be further clarified.